“Creativity comes from the soul,” says singer and songwriter Alicia Keys. The icon has been pumping out a ton of projects lately. Performing at the halftime show alongside Usher, promoting her self-care brand Soul Care, and now producing the Broadway show Hell’s Kitchen, it’s reasonable to question how Keys finds the time to feed her soul. “At the start of my day, I love to set time to meditate. Sometimes, it’s three or thirty minutes either way, I make time,” says Keys.
Self-care has been a movement for quite some time. It mainly came to popularity at the height of the pandemic in 2020. We’ve seen many celebrities advocate for well-being and daily self-care practices. Most of us rolled our eyes, feeling that self-care was now another trend for celebs to grasp. This feeling quickly melts away as Keys opens up about the importance of self-care to her. The softness in her voice is calming amid her chaotic schedule. She is calm where most would be stressed, tending to me as if I were the only one in the room. Her ability to be present is a clear sign of the mental peace she’s attained.
There’s a vibrant energy about Keys as she humbly lets us into one of the most important parts of self-care: her beauty routine. “After my meditation, I wash my face with Keys Soul Care. My soul care and self-care reconnect me to my spirit, perspective, and internal position so I can face the world,” says Keys. Her beauty line reflects Key’s values of nurturing our inner being. Each product contains clean ingredients and uplifting affirmations to feed your skin and soul. The Gold Face Cleanser With Manuka Honey is packaged with the sweetest affirmation. “I am devoted to the moment” reminds us to embrace where we are.
Implementing “soul care,” as Keys refers to it, has played a significant role in her creativity. After years of fighting guilt, she’s allowed herself to indulge in activities like rest. Listening to her daily needs has given her a more evident mindset, allowing emotions of uncertainty to be released gracefully. “Holding space for yourself and letting things go allows your creativity to fly through the roof! You can now hear that song or write that screenplay.”
Practicing listening and releasing has allowed Keys to pour herself into her latest project, Hell’s Kitchen. The show is a nod to a young Keys growing up in Manhattan. Song and dance set the energy of the stage as 17-year-old “Ali Squints” navigates the world despite her protective mother. Ali Squints, played by Maleah Joi Moon, strives to find herself when a piano teacher helps her to find her voice. The play has been described as “heartbreaking and beautiful” by critics.
Despite positive reviews, Key’s humanizes herself by opening up about feeling worthy. Her intrusive thoughts are organic to how most of us feel when starting something new. These are the moments we have to become our biggest cheerleader when we’re being our biggest critic. Daily mantras are the fuel that allows Keys to push forward in times of mental or physical adversity. “I have been telling myself that I will be open to receiving these blessings. I welcome it with open arms.” And welcome it she has! Producing the music for the show and working alongside director Michael Greif to ensure the show touches the hearts of many.
“The beauty of Hell’s Kitchen is love that comes from a mother-daughter relationship,” Says Keys. Hell’s Kitchen is an ode to any woman looking to find her voice within. It feeds our soul’s purpose by listening to our intuition even when our surroundings advise against it. The show hints at igniting the true beauty of life, which is being our most authentic selves. Key’s hard work and perseverance represent what it means to be a girl on fire.
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