Welcome to the final stretch of Virgo Season. This is likely to be the most illuminating and productive week we’ve experienced so far this month, and that’s because Mercury, the Planet of Communication (and the ruler of Virgo), has recently ended its three-week retrograde, in the sign of Virgo.
The energy of the Virgo New Moon is still being felt potently this week as well, making it an astrologically favorable time to set clear, simple, and precise new moon intentions. Slowly but surely, we sense ourselves reclaiming agency over our lives and the direction in which we want to go. No more excuses — we’re ready to consciously put in the work to get to where we’re meant to be. And the universe is ready to reward us for our discipline and consistency.
The Sun shifts into Libra on Saturday the 23rd, marking the equinox and a major change of seasons. Allow your own dead leaves to fall, as we enter fall in the Northern Hemisphere. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, allow yourself to come to life in previously unexplored ways. A fresh start has arrived for us all.
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:
Aries, this week you’ll be in the mood to make significant changes to your daily and weekly routine. The recent Virgo New Moon’s purifying nature activated your sector of health and service, and when you combine that lunation with Mercury’s shift direct in the same sector of your chart, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at your ability to roll up your sleeves and tackle tasks that you had put on the back burner.
You’re entering the second half of September with a renewed mind, body, and spirit, and this is grabbing everyone’s attention. But make sure that you’re moving with purpose this week and not simply filling your to-do list with tasks to keep you busy. Checking in on your emotional needs is key. Once the Sun enters Libra this Saturday, your focus shifts to your partnerships — you’ll feel ready to let go of past drama and misunderstandings and clear the air as you breathe new life into connections that were once stagnant.

Taurus Sun & Rising:
Taurus, Jupiter’s retrograde through your sign is bringing you unexpected blessings in the form of helping remove all distractions and nonessentials, while reminding you of the importance of living in accordance with your innermost values. Now that Mercury, the Planet of Communication, has ended its retrograde through your fellow Earth sign of Virgo just one day after the Virgo New Moon, you’re being ushered into a new era of your life where you truly embody the concept of “less is more.”
Once Libra Season begins this weekend, your Venusian nature will be fortified, yet you’ll internally feel softer — in a good way. Libra Season will remind you of your magnetism and will encourage you to choose ease rather than trying to control people or circumstances in your life. Let your desires come to you organically, like bees to honey.

Gemini Sun & Rising:
Congratulations, Gemini, you made it through your ruler Mercury’s retrograde through Virgo. This three-week retrograde may have increased your restlessness and may also have led to you overthinking or taking yourself or others too seriously. Now these final days of Virgo Season are helping you lighten up, as you’re better able to feel the influence of Mars’ presence in your fellow Air sign of Libra.
This week encourages you to laugh more, flirt more, play more, and be willing to admit your true feelings and desires to the people who make you feel seen and make you feel safe. Chances are, they’ve been patiently waiting for your grand reveal and they have things to share with you too.
We’re still in the post-shadow period of Mercury’s retrograde until early October, so rather than jumping into brand new endeavors this week, focus on making sure the projects you’ve been meaning to release are at their ideal state, and that you haven’t missed any key details. Once Libra Season begins this Saturday, you’ll have the green light to embark on novel adventures while adopting the spirit of the beginner’s mind.

Cancer Sun & Rising:
Cancer, this week is astrologically calm, and the main mission you have is being present with your thoughts and honoring your creative process. Now that Mercury is direct in Virgo, and the Virgo New Moon just occurred in your sector of communication and creativity, you’re finding it easier to structure your thoughts in a way that allows you to be productive and driven. Organize your digital folders and sort through unread emails this week — you may find hidden gems!
Your manifestation abilities are stronger than usual at this time, especially if you tap into the energy of the several generational planets that are currently retrograde. It’s quite likely that a past interest or passion will take up space in your subconscious mind, reminding you that it’s not too late to recreate yourself or be inspired by your childhood self’s dreams. Take time to set your new moon intentions, as they’re likely to vividly become your reality in six months’ time.

Leo Sun & Rising:
Leo, how are you feeling after last week’s Virgo New Moon illuminated your sector of money and self-esteem? Chances are, Mercury Retrograde made you way too harsh on yourself these past three weeks, even if it was subconsciously. The Virgo New Moon encouraged you to start fresh and plant hopeful seeds of intention in your mind rather than getting caught up in fears of what could go wrong.
This week, your focus shifts to your family, your social life, and your health due to the Moon’s transit through the signs of Scorpio, Sag, and Capricorn. If you’ve been bypassing having important or clarifying conversations with people close to you, it may be time to clear the air, for your own mental health’s sake.
Once Libra Season begins on the 23rd, you’ll feel more harmony, joy, and abundance in your life, as Libra energy harmonizes beautifully with your Leo nature. Say yes to spontaneous date nights, whether platonic or romantic.

Virgo Sun & Rising:
Virgo, you’re likely to feel completely brand new this week, as the energy from your annual new moon has awakened you to just how amazing you are, and how phenomenal you’ll continue to be. You’re going through your own renaissance of sorts, one that helps you overcome your own limitations and exceed your prior expectations.
This is a relatively calm week astrologically, making it an ideal time to partake in meditative activities such as journaling your thoughts or new moon intentions near a body of water or surrounded by greenery. You recently went through a purging process where you released the connections that felt imbalanced or unhealthy, and you’re likely to feel lighter and brighter during the second half of September, largely due to the way you consciously made room for fresh energy to enter your life. What you seek is right around the corner, ready for your energy.

Libra Sun & Rising:
Libra, your birthday season begins the 23rd, and now that Mercury is no longer retrograde in Virgo, activating your sector of healing and solitude, you’re starting to emerge from your annual hibernation period and you can tell that it’s your time to shine.
If you haven’t yet set your new moon intentions, this is the week to do so as there’s not much going on astrologically-speaking, allowing you to take a much-needed breather and simply be present with your feelings, thoughts, and intuitive desires. You’re also likely to find closure if you’ve been dealing with past hurts.
Your planetary ruler Venus is making its way out of the post-shadow period in the fiery and glamorous sign of Leo, and this is allowing your more social and extroverted side to emerge. Throw a small gathering this week or put on your best fit and go out on the town with your crew. Your solar return starts this Saturday — it’s time to indulge in celebrating yourself while allowing others to celebrate you!

Scorpio Sun & Rising:
Scorpio, these past few weeks have been a period of reassessment for you, especially when it comes to how you view your friends. Mercury’s now direct in your sector of social networks and friendships, and this week’s energy allows you to lighten up, let go of (most of) your trust issues, and turn a new leaf. This is largely due to the Virgo New Moon which struck last Thursday: you have until September 24th to set new moon intentions regarding what your ideal friendships feel like, and how you envision yourself showing up as a friend.
Also take time to reimagine what your relationship to technology and social media could be like, in its healthiest and most beneficial form. As a sign of extremes, you’re either completely AWOL in the digital space, or you’re completely hooked. But Mars’ presence in Libra (combined with the start of Libra Season on the 23rd) is encouraging you to find moderation and harmony. Explore ways that your connection to tech can help you rather than harm you, and amplify the benefits of being digitally connected while also remaining aware of the need to stay grounded and present IRL.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:
Sagittarius, the recent Virgo New Moon led to important shifts in your career sector, and the next six months of the year are likely to be groundbreaking based on the intentions you choose to set this week. The challenge may be deciding where to direct your energy professionally, and why. Mars in Libra and the upcoming start of Libra Season is leading you to be quite inspired in several directions, but your ruler Jupiter is currently retrograde in Taurus, reminding you that multitasking can get exhausting.
With Libra Season beginning on the 23rd, however, you’re being asked to play more and not take anything too seriously. This four-week solar transit will feel refreshing compared to the more practical energy of Virgo Season. Let your inner child lead the way, and invite the right people (who love and see you as you truly are) to join you on this playground we call life.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:
Capricorn, Mercury’s retrograde through Virgo in your sector of long journeys and expansion is behind us, and the recent Virgo new moon has struck in that same sector of your chart, so you may be bitten by the travel bug. This is a great week for planning a dream trip, even if you don’t end up going on it until this time next year. Your spirit’s seeking novelty and growth, which means shaking up the status quo and taking more leaps of faith, particularly during Pluto’s final month moving retrograde through your sign.
Once Libra Season begins on Saturday, you’re likely to look at your current professional trajectory with a fresh set of eyes. The combination of having Mars and the Sun both in Libra will allow you to adopt a more light-hearted and free-spirited approach to work and play — and you’ll want work to feel like play. If you’ve been wanting to quit your job or explore entrepreneurship, take this as your sign. Just make sure you have a great plan in place.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:
Aquarius, your sector of depth, merging, and intimacy has gone through quite the transmutation in these past few weeks, and now that Mercury is no longer retrograde in Virgo you’ll notice that there’s less confusion when it comes to who you should or shouldn’t be collaborating with. The recent Virgo New Moon highlighted truths that you may have previously ignored or bypassed, and now you have no choice but to make the necessary adjustments as you create a new relationship with wealth and partnership.
Your sense of discernment and your attention to detail both increase significantly this week, so if there’s any work that requires making note of minute details that others may miss, this is the week to tackle it. Once Libra Season begins on the 23rd you’re likely to be off in la la land. Libra Season will also harmonize with your airy nature these next four weeks, and it could lead to you making serendipitous connections that bring bliss and adventure into your life.

Pisces Sun & Rising:
Pisces, these final days of Virgo Season are bringing much attention to your partnership sector, and you yourself may be craving more attention and deeper intimacy. The first step is to admit to yourself and to others if you’ve felt lonely or neglected, as not everyone is as much of a mind reader as you are. Once you’ve made that clear, make sure you’re not running away from what you’re asking for — because it’s likely to enter your life sooner than you think.
Libra Season starts on Saturday the 23rd, activating your sector of depth, intimacy, merging, and outside resources for the next four weeks. You may shift your attention to creating a game plan for generational wealth and empire-building during this season, and you’ll also feel more motivated to pay off debt such as high-interest student loans, in order to invest your money and make it work for you. But love will still be a focus of your life due to Libra being the sign of partnership. Find a balance between planning for the future and being here now.
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