There is nothing more amazing than playing golf in summer. You enjoy all the beautiful views as you play and the favorable weather while playing this fantastic sport. However, playing golf in summer means having to deal with the heat. You need to ensure you are well-prepared to stay cool throughout the game. Preparing to play golf in summer requires more than changing your wardrobe. You need to carry other essential items and change your mindset. So, if you don’t want to feel miserable and burn in the heat, here are ways to beat the heat and enjoy your game.
Drink a Lot of Water
Your best friend will be water on a hot summer day in the course. There is no standard amount concerning how much water you should drink. It is advisable to drink as much water as you can to stay hydrated. The rule of thumb is to sip after a shot. You can also go for flavored drinks like coconut water, electrolyte-filled sports drinks, or electrolyte-infused water. It is also advisable to keep off drinks like alcohol, coffee, and beverages with high sugar levels like soda since they’ll dry you out.
Bring an Umbrella
Add an umbrella to your equipment. It is handy to protect you from the scorching sun. Bring yours, or you can opt for a designer umbrella. The umbrella will also come in handy to protect you from unforeseen rain. Summer days are primarily humid. That means you should expect showers that can happen at any time of the day.
Wear the Right Outfit
Golf attire comes in varieties to help you choose based on the weather and preferences. So, if you are dressing up for summer, forget about layering. Choose light materials and avoid dark colors since they absorb heat. Instead, opt for brighter colors since they reflect sun rays, so you will not be hot. A pair of shorts will also be ideal, instead of pants, unless the rules indicate you must wear pants. Choosing the right clothes makes a significant difference in your comfort. So, shop for golf clothing to keep yourself comfortable on the course. Remember also to consider breathability to allow quality airflow.
Choose a Push Cart
Use a pushcart on hot summer days when playing golf. It is perfect to help you move quickly as you play. You will also avoid having to carry your golf clubs on your shoulders. Furthermore, a push cart is perfect for attaching the umbrella to ensure you stay in the shade throughout. You can also choose a golf cart if you don’t want to push your equipment. It will come in handy, especially if you are playing on a course that does not have shade options.
Wear a Cap
Wearing a cap when playing golf is not compulsory. However, if you want to survive the heat, a cap should be another thing you should not leave behind. You will need it as the hot sun will fall on the course. Go for a baseball-style, bucket-style, or wide-brimmed hat. They are the best for proper protection.
Remove the Glove after a Shot
Some golfers like to wear a glove when putting since it makes them feel comfortable. If you are in this category, you know wearing the glove for too long and in the summer heat can make you uncomfortable. So, consider removing the glove after every shot. It will prevent sweating and keep your hands dry. On top of that, the glove becomes loose, so it does not interfere with your strikes.
Carry a Cold Towel
Carrying a cold towel is also a good idea and essential when playing golf. You will need it to wipe your face. You could also bring a cooler to ensure the towel is always cold when cooling off your face.
Try Playing in the Morning

Summer mornings are cool, with favorable weather for playing golf. So, playing in the morning will not only help avoid the scorching heat, but you will start the day in a good mood. Playing golf in the morning means you start by 6 a.m. or even earlier and enjoy the warm and quiet environment. It may not save you from the high humidity, but it will protect you from the scorching sun rays.
Find a Shade
Always look for a shade as you wait up on the course. For instance, standing under a tree will protect you from the sun’s rays and help you cool down. Consider taking a sip of water while under the shade. Look for cabins, huts, or a simple roof installation. A cold towel will keep you cool if there are no shade options. You can also turn on your umbrella for better protection. In short, find shade under the trees, under a cabin or tent, putting a wet towel on your head, turning on your umbrella, or standing under a roof.
Carry Sunscreen and Sunglasses
Lastly, sunscreen will be useful when playing golf in the summer heat. So, apply sunscreen on parts of your body that will be exposed to the sun. Apply it regularly since you are likely to sweat a lot when playing. Most people forget areas like the ears, which are also sensitive to excess exposure to the sun. Therefore, ensure you cover every part of the skin that is not covered. It is also vital to carry your sunglasses to protect your eye. Besides protecting the eyes from debris, sunglasses will help you see well. Ensure they are polarized to protect your eyes from UV rays.

Beat the Summer Heat and Enjoy Golfing
These are seven ways of staying cool when playing golf in the summer heat. Ensure you have all the essentials and keep yourself hydrated throughout the game. Preparing for the heat is the key to ensuring you stay cool and have the best experience. With the sun high up in the clear sky, the heat can take a toll on you quickly. So, ensure you prepare ahead to enjoy the game. These things are vital to beating the summer heat when playing golf.
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