After nearly a decade’s worth of experience in styling and fashion writing, I’ve found the questions I get the most are still exactly the same. Most commonly, “What do I wear to this event?” or “How do I dress for this season?” But the truth remains that the most basic questions are usually the ones we’re asked the most, and it always comes back to how to make getting ready in the morning that little bit easier.
Even the very best of us are prone to a style mistake or two every now and then. Yes, even fashion insiders are guilty of wearing a too-small shoe size (I blame sample sales!) or pairing the wrong bra with an outfit. But sometimes it just takes someone else pointing it out for us to see the light. That’s why I decided to figure out some of the most common styling queries we tend to make—as well coming up with the best ideas for fixing them.
Whether you’re wondering how to dress for a certain age, size or event or just how make your clothes look better and feel better. We’ve got you covered. Read on to see which styling mistakes made the list, and shop the items that will help you avoid making them ever again.
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