5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Get Clear On Your 2024 Career Goals


Shot of a young woman having tea and writing in a notebook on the sofa at home

You know what time it is. Our girl has popped out in her gold dress and lace-up stilettos with our annual reminder to bid farewell to the drama of 2023 and stride into a happier, healthier, and more prosperous 2024. It’s the start of a new year and a fresh fiscal quarter, time to activate those ‘new year, new me’ resolutions. We know the drill. We set the goals, pledge to become better versions of ourselves, and then gradually revert to business as usual. Bless our hearts; we mean well, even if our habits don’t always follow suit. 

This time around, before putting pen to paper on those 2024 career goals, we pause to investigate the incongruence between our intentions and results. “It’s about more than just setting objectives – anyone can do that,” Dr. Patricia Anderson told ESSENCE. “The key is understanding our motivations.”

With over two decades of executive leadership and expertise in behavioral research at the Forbes School of Business & Technology, Dr. Anderson knows a thing or two about the psychology of behavior, goal setting, and habits.

I sat down with this seasoned expert to delve into the vital self-reflection needed to translate our well-intentioned career aspirations into tangible accomplishments. From that discussion, came the following five crucial questions to guide you in shaping and reaching your career goals for 2024.

Crafting Your Authentic Path: Is this the career path I want, or am I allowing societal expectations to dictate my trajectory?

The pivotal question arises in pursuing a fulfilling career: Is this the career path I genuinely desire, or am I succumbing to societal expectations dictating my trajectory? Crafting your authentic path necessitates a thoughtful exploration of your aspirations against the backdrop of external pressures. Navigating this intricate intersection between societal norms and personal authenticity is paramount in determining a career that aligns with your true self. By delving into this inquiry, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, unveiling the layers of your genuine ambitions free from external influences. Shaping a meaningful career requires professional prowess and an unwavering commitment to honoring your authentic desires amidst the noise of societal expectations.

Developing Realistic Strategies: Are my career objectives realistic, or am I taking on more than I can handle?

Striving for professional success demands a crucial self-evaluation: Are my career objectives realistic, or am I shouldering more than I can genuinely handle? Developing realistic strategies entails a nuanced understanding of your capabilities and the demands of your career aspirations. It’s a delicate balance between ambition and pragmatism, recognizing that setting achievable goals is pivotal for sustained growth. This introspective examination ensures that your career trajectory aligns with your aspirations and current circumstances’ practicalities. By assessing the feasibility of your objectives, you pave the way for a more sustainable and fulfilling professional journey. Embracing realistic strategies fosters personal well-being and enhances the likelihood of achieving long-term success in your chosen field.

Purpose-Driven Paths: Am I driven by a purpose that resonates with my authentic self, or am I solely chasing financial rewards?

Starting a journey driven by purpose begins with a fundamental question: Am I propelled by a purpose that resonates with my authentic self, or am I exclusively pursuing financial rewards? Evaluating the motivation behind our career choices is pivotal in crafting a fulfilling professional journey. Aligning with a purpose that reflects our authentic selves enhances job satisfaction and contributes to a more meaningful and sustainable career trajectory. While financial considerations are undoubtedly crucial, pursuing purpose adds a profound layer of fulfillment, driving long-term satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. It’s a delicate balance between material success and the intrinsic joy derived from work that aligns with our core values. Reflecting on whether our professional pursuits are purpose-driven or solely financially motivated is a cornerstone in shaping a career that resonates deeply with our authentic aspirations.

Confronting Imposter Syndrome: How do my fears of failure or success impact my pursuit of career goals, and how can I navigate and overcome these fears for a more confident journey?

Addressing imposter syndrome involves delving into a crucial inquiry: How do my anxieties about failure or success influence my pursuit of career goals, and how can I navigate through and conquer these fears for a more assured journey? Confronting these internal doubts is essential for fostering self-confidence and achieving professional ambitions. Whether it’s the fear of not measuring up or the anxiety of succeeding beyond expectations, understanding the roots of imposter syndrome is the first step. Individuals can gradually build resilience and a more positive mindset by identifying and challenging these fears. Navigating through imposter syndrome involves:

  • Acknowledging achievements.
  • Embracing mistakes as learning opportunities.
  • Recognizing that self-worth isn’t solely tied to perfection.

Through this reflective process, one can pave the way for a more confident and self-assured approach to career goals.

Mastering Your Mindset: Is my mindset in harmony with my career aspirations?

Achieving mastery in one’s mindset involves pondering a pivotal question: Is my mindset in sync with my career aspirations? Dr. Anderson underscores the paramount importance of mindset in shaping professional journeys, asserting that “your mind has to arrive first.” This perspective highlights the critical need for a deliberate approach to aligning one’s mindset with one’s career aspirations. Recognizing that the mental landscape plays a foundational role, individuals can proactively cultivate a positive and goal-oriented mindset. By embracing optimism, resilience, and a growth-oriented perspective, one can lay the groundwork for a more harmonious relationship between mindset and career aspirations, setting the stage for a fulfilling and successful professional journey.

Guided by Dr. Anderson’s valuable insights, we’re prompted to reevaluate societal influences, realistic strategies, purpose-driven pursuits, imposter syndrome, and mindset alignment. This guidance can be used as a compass, directing us towards confident and purposeful strides in achieving our 2024 career goals. In doing so, we lay a solid foundation for a fulfilling and successful journey ahead.


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