The appeal of sturdy true-blue denim never dies, but if you find yourself putting on jeans every. single. morning, you might be feeling stuck in a style rut. It happens to the best of us. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wearing this staple day in, day out, denim devotees run the risk of falling into a particular trap: You’re used to the comfort, versatility and timelessness of your favourite jeans, so everything else pales in comparison. When faced with the choice of slipping on a silky skirt versus pulling up a pair of worn-in straight-legs, the urge to stay in your comfort zone is an understandable one.
But while denim works for many occasions, there are times when a slightly smarter trouser or an elevated skirt will make your T-shirt outfit feel more exciting.
To help you branch out into other bottom categories, we’ve scrolled through the Instagram grids of some of our most loved French influencers. While Parisians love showing off their bountiful denim collections, it turns out they’re just as skilled at assembling non-jeans outfits. Scroll on to see the looks that demanded our attention.
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